In this audio guide to the Huangpu district you'll learn what there is to discover in this historic part of the city ... with your ears .. instead of your eyes. Narrated in English and Mandarin, many of the sounds included in this short 12-part guide are recorded in binaural stereo - so listen using good quality headphones.



When you're exploring based on sounds instead of sights a whole new and different aspect of a city opens up. This guide is intended to give you some pointers on where to go and what you can experience around Huangpu. But many of the sounds described here will vary from day to day - even from hour to hour - so every audio adventure will be your own unique experience ...

当您通过听力而不是视力来探索一个城市时,您将会体会到一个完全别致的感受。该导览为您提供的建议将指导您去何处及怎样用听力来体验黄浦区。虽然导览里描述的声音将会有日常的变化,甚至每小时都会变, 但这也属于您独特体验中的奇妙之一。

02: HOW TO LISTEN  怎样去听

Shanghai is a vast city with a myriad of sounds to discover. In the second part of this guide you'll get instructions on how to hone your listening skills before you set off on your audio tour ...

上海是个广阔的都市,具有着无数各种各样可探索的音声。这第二集导览将为您提供修炼听力的指示, 请采用质量良好的耳机来享用。

Listen to this guide with good quality headphones. Photo by Cloud Wang (Instagram: Cloud_oko)

Listen to this guide with good quality headphones. Photo by Cloud Wang (Instagram: Cloud_oko)

03: THE BUND  外滩

There's a richly layered soundscape on The Bund, to accompany the spectacular views of Pudong's skycraper - during the daytime but especially late at night. Only then are some of the Huangpu River's more intimate sounds revealed...


The Huangpu River has its own unique .. sometimes subtle sounds to be heard beneath the urban din

The Huangpu River has its own unique .. sometimes subtle sounds to be heard beneath the urban din


Take the short ferry trip across the Huangpu River to the Pudong Shore and you'll get great views especially in the late afternoon as the sun is setting. At dusk you'll also get a lovely urban soundscape in Binjiang Park, where a tiny lush oasis of trees hosts Eurasian Blackbirds and Chinese Bul Buls and their melodious song.


As dusk falls birdsong in Binjiang Park accompanies the wash of waves on the Pudong Shore.

As dusk falls birdsong in Binjiang Park accompanies the wash of waves on the Pudong Shore.


Heading down E Nanjing Road from The Bund, there's an intense urban soundscape with busy traffic, crowds of chattering sightseers, and the sing song delivery of the amplified sales talk from the tourist shops - which, if you can ignore the banal content, can be its own kind of music.

从外滩走向南京路时,您将会体验到一种强烈的都市音景:忙碌的交通、喋喋不休的游客群、还有从旅游商店里传来的推销扩音器声。 如果你能忽视它平庸的内容,其实这些声音也拥有着一种音乐般的旋律。

The calls of the street vendors on E Nanjing Rd make for a 'Blade Runner-esq' soundscape 

The calls of the street vendors on E Nanjing Rd make for a 'Blade Runner-esq' soundscape 


Heading south from E Nanjing Road along Middle Sichuan Road you can experience one of the most striking aspects of Shanghai's street life ... shoals of commuters on scooters, electric bikes, bicycles and motorbikes, carrying cargo of all descriptions. In this episode, you'll also learn where to go to hear the actual heartbeat of Shanghai.


Notice how on rainy days, the wheels of the bikes and scooters sound 'sticky' on the wet streets.观察下在下雨时,各种车辆的轮胎骑压在潮湿的路面上会产生一种粘湿的声音。

Notice how on rainy days, the wheels of the bikes and scooters sound 'sticky' on the wet streets.



A trip down Jinling Road a few blocks south of The Bund, will bring you to a whole clutch of shops selling musical instruments. And it's a great place to hear people trying out everything from electric guitars and drum kits ... to traditional instruments like the erhu and guquin.

从外滩往南不远的金陵路上,您将路过一片乐器商店。 在这儿您能听到人们试弹着各种乐器,电子吉他、架子鼓,甚至更传统的二胡与古琴

As well as budding rock stars, keep your eyes and ears open for students getting lessons on the traditional guqin.您能见识到崭露头角的摇滚乐手,但也能遇到正在学习古乐的古琴学生

As well as budding rock stars, keep your eyes and ears open for students getting lessons on the traditional guqin.



There's lots of wonderful music to be heard almost any day of the week in Shanghai's many parks - like Lu Xun Park and Zhonghshan Park. Wander around and you'll hear everything from saxophones to flutes and mouth organs to ancient erhu ... there's often singing too. You'll get a brief flavor of what's to be heard, in this episode.

在上海数不清的公园里,比如鲁迅公园和中山公园,任何一天都能听到绝妙的音乐。随便走走您就能欣赏到萨克斯、笛子、口琴、二胡等等的演奏。这儿通常也会有歌唱。 在这集里, 您将能稍微体验到公园里的音乐。

This lady in Lu Xun park was singing traditional Tibetan folk songs, accompanied by an erhu player.这位在鲁迅公园的女士,正随着二胡的伴奏,唱着西藏的传统民歌。

This lady in Lu Xun park was singing traditional Tibetan folk songs, accompanied by an erhu player.



There’s a kind of sonic magic that happens when you walk into one of Shanghai’s 'shikumen' - old-style residential areas bisected by narrow lanes or 'lilong'. Within just a few paces you leave the cacophonous traffic and street bustle behind and can hear the much more intimate sounds of urban domestic life. In this episode you'll hear voices & daily activities including an early morning milk delivery.


Buffered from the street noise, you can find some relative quiet down Shanghai's traditional lilong.隔离着街路的吵闹,随着上海传统的里弄,您也可以在都市里寻回些珍贵的宁静。

Buffered from the street noise, you can find some relative quiet down Shanghai's traditional lilong.



There's a vibrant, unmiss-able soundscape to be experienced in Shanghai's bird & insect markets.在上海的花鸟市场中,您可以体会到一种不可错过的活跃音景

There's a vibrant, unmiss-able soundscape to be experienced in Shanghai's bird & insect markets.


From the street outside side the Wanshang Bird & Insect Market can be hard to spot. But step inside and the air literally throbs with animal sounds - predominantly a variety caged birds and crickets in tiny perpex cases and cardboard boxes. Some of the sweetest singing – that dances across the market in melodic rippling cadenzas – comes from canary soloists...

虽然万商花鸟市场很难被路人发现,但走进之后您将会感到连这里的空气都足足充满着动物的鸣音 -从笼子里的各种鸟类到精致盒子里蟋蟀。特别是金丝雀的甜美独唱,像舞蹈一样在市场中穿越。

11: hUANGPU STREETS & JAZZ  黄浦街道与爵士

Jazz has a long history in Shanghai. These days many of the jazz clubs are in the French Concession. But if you are returning to The Bund to complete your audio tour of Huangpu, there's one place you can hear how the jazz scene used to sound ....  in the vast art deco hallways of the Peace Hotel, where the strains of the famously 'old' jazz band waft like fading memories.

虽然爵士与上海有着悠长的历史,如今大部分爵士俱乐部已都在法租界内。但当您回到外滩来完结该导览时,这里还有一个地方可以使您听到昔日的爵士声。走进和平饭店的装饰艺术大堂里, 那些著名老爵士的曲调海依然逗留着。

Jazz floats down the main hallway of the Peace Hotel like a fading memory of a bygone era.如那渐渐消失的昔日岁月,爵士音乐的气氛也在和平酒店的大堂里缓缓地飘动着 。

Jazz floats down the main hallway of the Peace Hotel like a fading memory of a bygone era.

如那渐渐消失的昔日岁月,爵士音乐的气氛也在和平酒店的大堂里缓缓地飘动着 。


This audio guide is just a short demo version of a much more comprehensive guide to the sounds of Shanghai - and how to tour the city based on what you can hear. Shanghai Sounds Guide is looking for commercial sponsors & funding to help get an expanded version of this guide online. Making use of a large library of high fidelity field recordings (many of them in binaural stereo) - the detailed version of this guide will have both written text and narration in both English & Mandarin. With the potential to reach a large audience in both China and worldwide - Shanghai Sounds Guide could be the perfect place to advertise your business or services.

该上海音导仅只是属于个更广泛作品的短样版本,也是个介绍用听力来观光的指南。为了能够制作以及上传个更详细的《上海音声指南》,我们正需要商业赞助和支持。该指南的扩长版本将有中英双语解说与文字,并利用到大量高清晰现场录音 (多数是双声道立体声版本)。能够达到大量中国以及世界观众,《上海音声指南》正是宣传您企业的良好机会。

To participate/learn more visit the 'Sponsors' page.
